David M Bellusci surely set a WCIRB bonus record with a bonus that was equal to 50% of his base compensation for the year. With base compensation of $294,270 and bonus pay of $147,180 David M. Bellusci's total direct cash compensation for the year was $441,450. The CIO position was vacant for a number of months in 2012, so there may have been excess dollars in the budget executive compensation/bonus budget. So was that bonus amount really deserved? Watch for further developments.
Separately, in Part VII, Section A, W-2 compensation for 2012 of $133,846 was reported for Raj Marwah, WCIRB Chief Information Officer. Based on Mr. Marwah's report that his tenure began in June 2012 this equated to compensation at a "ballpark" annual rate of approximately $235,000.
The compensation page from the Form 990 is included below. Form 990 is "Open to
Public Inspection".